AEG is committed to Kickstarter. Kickstarter has become one of our key channels to build our community and to bring great new games to our players. Each of our Kickstarter Campaigns is crafted to deliver a great value and a great gaming experience, and an interesting and engaging experience for our Backers.

March 3rd 2025

Closing & Locking the Pledge Manager

Credit cards will be charged the week of March 3rd. Please see Update #12 for details.

Fulfillment Plan

We intend to fulfill this campaign in May or June of 2025. This page will be updated if and when changes to the schedule are formalized.

Thanks to all who all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

DR KS3 Campaign data

March 3rd 2025

Closing & Locking the Pledge Manager

Credit cards will be charged the week of March 3rd. Please see Update #7 for details.

Fulfillment Plan

We intend to fulfill this campaign in May or June of 2025. This page will be updated if and when changes to the schedule are formalized.

Thanks to all who all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

March 10th 2025

Please see Update #8 for details about the fulfillment plan for this campaign.

Address changes are no longer possible for this campaign. Please plan to receive the order at the address on file, or to arrange with whomever will be at that address to accept the order and convey it to you after delivery.

Fulfillment is Underway

The information below should be treated as approximations. Actual data may be ahead of, on time or behind these dates. As we get confirmations we’ll relay that information to you all.

The current known status is:

  • ASIA: Fulfillment complete in China, pending elsewhere
  • AUS/NZ: Fulfillment complete
  • Canada: Fulfillment complete
  • EU: Fulfillment complete
  • US: US Depot reports that they have about 400 orders in queue for processing, about 100 which are still not yet queued. The Depot expects to be complete this week but they put an asterix on that as there might be a few that push into the following week.
  • UK: Fulfillment in pre-processing and address validation

Each Depot has a process for receiving deliveries and prepping for fulfillment. They have already had the manifest data transmitted to them and are ready to process orders as soon as they have completed the receiving procedures. We’ve told each Depot to commence fulfillment as soon as they are able so shipments will begin to be received by different regions at different times.

Depending on the volume of work at the Depots it can take just a few days or sometimes up to a few weeks to process the orders. Because we have no visibility on the sequence of order shipments we cannot tell you if you order has shipped or not. It is not uncommon for orders going to the same city or county to be received at widely different times – because someone in your neighborhood has received their order and you have not does not indicate a problem.

When fulfillment is complete at each Depot we receive a final tracking report that we upload to BackerKit and we can then begin to fix any lost or stolen shipments.

We’ll announce completion on a Depot by Depot basis here.

Thanks to all who all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

RSBKS1 Banner

September 30th, 2024

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

July 18th, 2024

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

TSQ KS6 Campaign Statistics

July 11th, 2024

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who all who backed this campaign!

For anyone needing replacement parts, please submit a request here:

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

April 10th, 2024

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

For anyone needing replacement parts, please submit a request here:

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

August 18th 2023

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

November 27th 2023

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete

Thanks to all who all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

Kickstarter stats for Dead Reckoning 2, funded 1217%, pledged $608,682, backers 7,795, Funded Aug 19 2022

October 3rd, 2023

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

TSQKS5Banner with Kickstarter metrics

June 25th 2023

There’s a missing d6 in Rolling Heights. Read more here.

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

June 25th 2023

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete. 

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

August 24th 2022

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Tanks to all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

June 25th, 2023

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

August 25th 2022

Fulfillment of this campaign in English is complete.

German Edition has been cancelled. Please read this message for more details.

If one of the white card tray boxes inside your Enemies Among Us superdeluxe box was damaged in transit you can request a free replacement here:

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

August 9 2021

Thanks to all who backed this campaign!

This campaign is being fulfilled using the AEG Online Store. If you backed this campaign on Kickstarter please see this Update for information on how to complete your order and receive your Rewards!

There are no Late Pledges for this campaign.

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected].

June 25th 2023

Fulfillment of this campaign is complete.

Thanks to all who backed this campaign.

Any questions or concerns please email [email protected]


We are aware that some backers have received rewards damaged in shipping.

We have published Update #28 today which explains our plan to address these issues. Please read this Update before contacting Customer Service regarding damages due to shipping.

March 29th 2021

This campaign has been successfully fulfilled.

Valley of the Kings was upgraded to Premium in this Kickstarter. This campaign has been successfully fulfilled as of September 2019.

Thunderstone Quest went Back to the Dungeon for its 2nd Kickstarter campaign. This campaign has been successfully fulfilled as of June of 2019.

Edge of Darkness is the most complex tabletop game AEG has ever published. This campaign has been successfully fulfilled as of September 2019.

Thunderstone Quest from AEG marked our first Kickstarter campaign and the return of one of our best selling game lines. This campaign has been successfully fulfilled as of March 2018.