Written by John Zinser
Space Base, Tiny Towns, Warchest, and Cubitos are four of my favorite games. My goal for games that AEG publishes is that our company chooses games that I will want to play. I believe that the test of truly great games is not just how much fun you have the first time you play, but if you want to keep playing for years after you have purchased the game. We play our games hundreds of times during development, and I still play most of them now that they have been in print for so many years. Space Base may be my most played game ever.
We see this Kickstarter as a great opportunity to introduce these games to the group of gamers who get most of their games via crowdfunding. As a bonus, it gives us the opportunity to connect directly with our most avid players and offer them a deal that we just could not offer through our other channels of distribution.
As a gamer myself, I have a house full of Kallax shelves overflowing with games. Those games have come from my FLGS, Crowdfunding, trading with other gamers, and of course a full Kallax of AEG’s games.
I believe that these four games belong in every game collection and so this deal is being presented to give more people the opportunity to experience these games for the first time and as a reward to people who are excited about new content.